We’ve assembled all of the essential hardware for a Pelican build (or restoration) into one package. Based on the legendary Pelican builders, Smith’s Boat Shop’s hardware kit, this package includes wire for bobstay and shrouds, all running lines and blocks, cleats, chainplates, rudder hardware, and much more.
Save time and money by having Duckworks prepare your Pelican Hardware Package on-demand.
Itemized list of parts below.
Bowsprit eye plates
Pelican hook
Bobstay wire 1/8" x 4.5'
Swage sleeve 1/8”
Swaging Tool
Main Halyard Cleat 5"
Main Halyard swivel block
Main Halyard turning block shackle
Boom Downhaul Cleat 4"
Jib halyard Cleat
Jib halyard Shackle
Jib halyard ¼ Raid Braid
Jib halyard turning block
Jib turning block shackle
Jib Downhaul
line 15' 3/16
Snap shackle
Downhaul cleat
Downhaul swivel block
Boom Downhaul
Fiddle block
Downhaul line 20' ¼ Raid Braid
Single block becket
Padeye (anchor mast)
Gaff downhaul pigtails 5' ¼ Raid Braid
Gaff downhaul cleat
Gaff eye bolt--1/2"
Boom blocks
Boom block padeye
Standing Rigging
Thimbles 5/32
Shroud lacing 5’ 3/16
Wire swaging sleeves
Wire Shrouds 10.5’ 1/8”
Chain Plates
5” of 1/8 line
Starboard Cleat
Port Cleat
Traveler Blocks (deck block)
Mainsheet 5/16 Raid Braid
Cam Cleats
Drain Plugs
Drain Tubes
Gaff and Boom lacing
Pintles and Gudgeons Set