
SCAMP Rigging Kits

12.00 (in)
8.00 (in)
2.00 (in)
$69.99 - $329.00


Boom and RUNNING RIGGING plus Hardware

2 10-foot lengths of 3/16" Raid Braid for 1st Reef
2 20-foot lengths of 3/16" Raid Braidfor 3rd Reef
4 SD-043030 3" cleats for reefing lines
1 60-foot length of 3/16" Raid Braid for Topping / Lazy jack system (cut to suit)
1 50-foot length of 1/8 solid braid polyester for lacing sail to yard

1 SD-043030 3" cleats topping lift/ lazy jack line on mast
1 RL-313 pad eye for connection point for topping/ lazy jack 2/3rd aft on boom
1 SD-002030 Junior clam cleat with fairlead for topping lift adjust on boom
2 SD-146048 stainless fixed eye shackles for topping lift
8 VIA36.10 fairleads with stainless liners for tying off or turning reef lines on boom

1 VIA11.63 block lashed to boom for downhaul
1 RL-313 pad eye for locating lashed downhaul block on boom
1 RL-306AB Deck block mounted on pad on cabtintop beside mast
1 RL-261-S stainless base cam cleat with eye for downhaul
1 12-foot section of 5 mm Marlow Excel Racing for downhaul

1 RL-304A as ½ of mainsheet traveler tackle
1 RL-305A as ½ of mainsheet traveler tackle
3 VIA11.63 swivel blocks for mainsheet assembly and boom
3 RL-313 pad eyes as locators for lashing boom blocks or for attaching boom blocks
1 55-foot length of 5/16" polyester Raid Braid for mainsheet
1 6-foot length 5/16" polyester Raid Braid for traveler

1 12-inch length of aluminum sail track
1 Nylon internal sail slide
1 SD-140151 shackle to attach sail clew and to track slide
1 RL-340 cheek block for outhaul.
1 8-foot section 5 mm Marlow Excel Racing line for outhaul
1 SD-002030 Junior clam cleat with fairlead for outhaul

Mast and Yard

1 VIA11.60 block for masthead halyard
1 VIA35.18 pad eye for "snotter" line to keep boom from going far forward
2 SD-043030 3" cleats for lazy jack and halyard line when traveling
1 3-foot length Marlow 5mm Excel Racing for snotter

1 VIA11.60 block for yard halyard lead
1 RL-313 pad eye to attach block on yard or to locate lashing to hang block
1 35-foot length ¼" Raid Braid polyester for halyard
1 RL-306A Swivel base deck block for halyard
1 SD-041605 5" stainless cleat for halyard on cabintop

Centerboard Uphaul Line System

1 RL-481-S Turning Block designed specifically for Scamp
1 RL-302-A Single Becket Block
1 RL-313 pad eye to attach block
1 VIA9.88 Viadana Fiddle Block
1 RL-260 Racelite Cam cleat
1 PNP121 Ronstan Fairlead
1 20-foot length of ¼" polyester Raid Braid



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Additional Information

We have put together these lists of items for your scamp. There are several kits with full listings of items below.
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