These are quality zippered bags for the Goat Island Skiff standard centreboard and rudder.
The bags will protect your beautifully finished foils from scratching, denting and other damage.
Foils are at least as important as sails for your boats performance, so they deserve equal care. This bag makes it much easier.
The photos below are our Mk1 Bag. The Mk2 has the zip going around two sides and the ventilated pouch on the back side has been enlarged to fit the mainsheet so it can dry out.
Inside the bag there are two compartments. One for the Centreboard and one for the rudder blade. The outside of the bag is padded with a resilient closed cell foam.

There is no shoulder strap supplied. It doesn't seem likely that a GIS sailor will carry foils to a regatta only, they will only be transferred from the car to the boat and vice versa.
There is a drawing of the standard centreboard and rudder below. Please make sure your centreboard and rudder are close to these overall dimensions. They can be slightly oversize by a few millimetres.