Polypropylene oar collars will help protect your fine Shaw and Tenney's. Each set comes with a packet of brass nails. (note: will fit all of our oar locks EXCEPT the 2" galvanized ones.)
Use these to modify a round oar for D-Type oarlocks like the Douglas Oarlock.
In the photos below, you can see that there are flats on three sides which align against the flats on the Douglas...
Keep anchor or dock lines from chafing gunwale or other parts of your boat. Investment Cast 316 Stainless - these are hefty, high quality parts. They will look good on any boat.
These bushings provide low friction rowing when used with our Zinc plated steel oarlocks. They are replacements for boats having 5/8" holes for bushings. They can also be set into holes drilled...
STAY TUNED! We are working with the manufacturer to get XPL oars back in stock.
As owners of sail-and-oar boats know all too well, it’s often difficult or impossible to conveniently stow...